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Physical Health & Nutrition

The Physical Health & Nutrition initiative focuses on assisting residents in achieving a healthy lifestyle with a main focus on nutrition and physical movement. We collaborate with community partners to provide educational workshops and increase access to nutritious foods.

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Why focus on
physical health
and nutrition
in Cranston?


of residents say

that they have no

access to healthy food


state that they

have no access

to affordable food


residents say they have

no access to food

important to their 


What We're Working On

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Summer Farmer's Market 

We started Eastern Cranston's first ever farmer's market in 2021, and we are delighted to be able to bring it back in 2022.

Our focus is on providing locally grown and fresh food to Cranston residents and supporting local farmers. 

What We've Done

Objective 1: Increase availability and access to affordable, culturally relevant, fresh food

Strategies: Coordinate a local farmers market with BIPOC farmers, and offer free cooking demos with ingredient bags

Impact Area(s): Food security in local community

Outcome/ Evaluation

  • 80% of farmers were BIPOC

  • $1,000 worth of food was distributed to residents at a weekly basis

  • Handed out roughly 1,300 bags of food to the community from May - October 

  • Held 5 cooking classes with 50 active participants 

Partners: Cranston YMCA, Center for Southeast Asians, Cranston Family Center, Anchor Recovery, Cranston Park and Recs Department,

Objective 2: Increase availability and access to healthcare

Strategies: Coordinate pop-up flu clinics around the community

Impact Area(s): Healthcare access

Outcome/ Evaluation: 130 residents received a flu shot through our pop-up clinics, and 50% of those residents were minors

Partners: CCAP Family Health Services

Want to get involved with this initiative?

Our Proud Backbone Agency
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Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) is proud to be the backbone agency for the Cranston Health Equity Zone. CCAP is one of Rhode Island’s largest organizations dedicated solely to fighting the war on poverty. We provide a wide spectrum of services and benefits that are designed to help those in immediate need and empower anyone desiring to become more self-sufficient.

For a full list of CCAP programs and services, please visit here.

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Main Office

1090 Cranston Street

Cranston, RI 02920

(401) 714 - 7004

Family Support Center

70 Gansett Avenue

Cranston, RI 02920

(401) 642- 7595

Staff not always in office. Please call ahead.

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The OneCranston Health Equity Zone is funded by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

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